Hightlight text — Framer Components


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This React component called HighlightedText creates a highlighted text block with interactive and customizable features. Here's a summarized version of what it does:

  1. Component Properties:

    • text: The text to be displayed and highlighted.

    • fontSize: Font size of the text.

    • fontColor: Text color.

    • backgroundColor: Background color of the text block.

    • highlightColor: Highlight color when scrolling through the text.

    • highlightDuration: Duration of the highlight in milliseconds.

    • fontFamily: Font type of the text.

    • lineGap: Vertical space between lines.

    • wordGap: Horizontal space between words.

    • emoji: Emoji to be displayed in a tooltip when clicking on a word.

  2. Component State:

    • highlightIndex: Index of the word currently highlighted while scrolling through the text.

    • tooltipVisible: State controlling the visibility of the tooltip when clicking on a word.

  3. Events and Features:

    • The text is split into words.

    • A scroll listener is added to calculate the index of the highlighted word based on the scroll position.

    • Clicking on a word triggers a tooltip showing an emoji for a specific duration.

    • The component is rendered with each word in a flexible container that adjusts its style based on the current settings and state.

  4. Property Configuration in Framer:

    • Property controls are defined to adjust the component properties in the Framer design environment.

    • Properties are visually configurable in Framer using specific controls such as text fields, color pickers, and sliders.

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